The following Terms and Conditions shall apply to and are incorporated in any Estimate/Contract and shall be deemed
to apply unless expressly modified or excluded in writing by The Garden Project Team (hereby known as The
Contractor). These Terms and Conditions have been written to produce a transparent transaction, bound by a contract,
to protect both parties.
1. Acceptance of the Quotation (fixed cost) or Estimate (costing where there are items clearly highlighted and agreed
as a contingency sum / To Be Confirmed) means that the Client has read and understood the terms and conditions set
out below. Any queries should be clarified before the job specification and associated costs (referred to here as The
Contract) are accepted and The Works (the work referred to in The Contract) have begun.
2. All Contracts must be confirmed in writing before work commences. Email confirmation is acceptable but there
should be reference to date, quote number/ref, and a statement of acceptance of the terms and conditions herein, in
order that the Contract is legally binding.
3. No liability can be accepted for alterations to the works as shown in the Contract, unless agreed in writing.
4. A charge will be made for any additional works carried out, on instruction from the Client, and not specified in the
Contract. Additional labour will be charged. All costs are subject to Vat @ the current rate. Additional materials shall
be quoted for and agreed to, before these added works are undertaken.
5. We ask that the Client ensures there is adequate access to the Site e.g. that all vehicles and other obstacles are
removed, that gates, doorways and passageways are clear of obstruction and unlocked, that neighbours are notified
where access is required to carry out the work. We also request that all dog mess be cleared from the Site, if the works
cannot be carried out the team will leave the site and you may still be charged.
6. The Client should inform The Garden Project Team regarding any springs, flooding, rock, covered wells or other
cavities, running sand, service pipes and cables, sewage or land drains, foundations and sub-structures of former
buildings or other hazards or obstructions except those which are reasonably apparent by inspection of the site prior
to the date of the Contract. A full site survey can be carried out by a third party before commencing works and this
should be requested in writing. Upon completion of which, The Garden Project Team cannot accept any liability for any
sub-surface issues should they arise unless revealed in the survey.
7. Should additional work arise due to unknown or undisclosed structures such as those outlined in clause 6 above,
then The Garden Project Team may be required to add additional labour to the project or extend the project timelines.
This will impact the costs associated with the project which will be reviewed and agreed with the client before
proceeding further.
8. The Client needs to ensure they have obtained all permissions, given all notices and paid all fees required under any
regulation or bylaw of any local authority/statutory undertaker/other authority having any jurisdiction with regard to
the Works unless request has by made to The Garden Project Team to carry this out on your/the client’s behalf.
You/the Client shall indemnify The Garden Project Team against any claim/proceedings/loss or expense resulting from
you/the Client failing to gain permissions/give notices/pay fees required in whole or in part. The Garden Project Team
will agree with the client, where appropriate, permissions that they will seek on behalf of the Client.
9. Our terms of trading:
A deposit of 20% + VAT of the agreed Contract sum is requested on agreement and signing of The Contract.
Further payment of 30% + VAT is to be paid one week prior to your landscaping project commencing.
The remaining 50% + VAT balance is payable upon the day of completion of your landscaping project.
Stage payments will be made by The Client against works completed/materials on-site to be made at fortnightly
intervals with the final balance payment to be made on the day of completion.
9.2 Any deposits or advance payments needed for third-party workers/sub-contractors i.e. Electricians, bricklayers,
etc. will be requested in advance for those service providers.
9.3 All accounts/invoices/bills are payable upon the day of completion. Interest will be charged from the due date of
payment on all invoices at 5% above The Contractor’s Banker’s Base Lending Rate per annum until actual payment is
received/clears. In addition a £50.00 administration charge will be added to each subsequent invoice, limited to one
per month. we/The Garden Project Team reserve the right to enforce late payment charges in accordance with our
terms and conditions.
9.4 Maintenance Contracts should also always be paid in full on the day of completion or the same terms will apply.
9.5 Garden Design costs are charged for as per the individual project and the agreed design fee is to be paid in full
before commencement of work.
10. The Garden Project Team shall have lien on all goods and materials remaining on site until full payment of all
monies have been made. The company shall have free access to enter the site to remove such goods and materials.
11. The Garden Project Team hereby excludes liability to the Client for any loss, cost or damage of any kind arising out
of or as a consequence of its failure to perform or complete the Works by reason of matters beyond The Garden
Project Team control and which it could not have reasonably foreseen at the date of the Contract.
12. Any concerns or complaints after the Works have been finished should be given to The Garden Project Team
within 7 days of completion of Works.
13. The Garden Project Team cannot accept liability for any defects to the Works caused by summer drought, landslip,
tree root damage, water deprivation and severe weather conditions.
14. The Garden Project Team cannot accept responsibility for damage to local statutory services i.e. gas, electrical
cables, water and drainage as notice should have been given on their locations prior to work commencing.
15. Planting and turfing. Separate watering and plant/turf care guides are sent to you/the Client on completion of The
Works. It is the responsibility of the Client to carry out this care in accordance with these guides and no responsibility
for plants and turf will be taken by The Garden Project Team once the Works have been completed. The plants we use
have no specific guarantee from our suppliers once they leave their nurseries.
16. Quotes are valid for 7 days from date of issue only.
17. PHOTOGRAPHS/VIDEOS, The Contractor reserves the right to publish their photographs/videos of their
hard/soft landscaping and garden maintenance work on their business website, our
Facebook business page, YouTube and other social media accounts. Photographs and videos are used to advertise The
Garden Project Team’s work. All photographs are the property of The Contractor
17.2 All photographs sent to The Garden Project Team will become the property of The Contractor and may be used
on our website or social media platforms.